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L' Embarquement

vers/verse, pub:1830

    L'Embarquement (poème) (HTML)
    L'Embarquement (poème) (PDF)

From A Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas père by Frank Wild Reed:
     Fifteen regular six-line stanzas, rhyming a, a, b, c, c, b.
     Alexandre Dumas wrote in his own hand, with pencil, very clearly, in a manuscript book, the first attempt at this poem, then entitled "À Bord de la 'Pauline,' le 10 Mai 1829." This early version lacks the final strophes of the printed copy.
     "L'Embarquement" was first published in "La Revue des Deux Mondes," towards the end of 1830.
     It next appeared in "Le Sélam," choice fragments of unpublished contemporary literature ; Paris, E. Astoin et A. Levavasseur, 1834.
     It was also published in "Le Talisman," second year; Felix Astoin, 1835.
     Finally M. Glinel included it in his "Alexandre Dumas et Son Œuvre," pp. 327 to 329.
     In his MS. collection M. Glinel notes eighteen variations among the different texts.

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