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La Retraite illuminée

non-fiction, pub:1858

From A Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas père by Frank Wild Reed:
     "Par Alexandre Dumas, avec Divers Appendices sur la Fête Auxerroise par MM. Joseph Bard et Sommerville;" Auxerre, Ch. Gallot, 1858. Seventy-five copies only were printed. Pp. 88, of which the article by Dumas occupies pp. 13 to 46. Size 157 by 97 mm.
     Previous to the appearance of the pamphlet, Dumas' article had appeared in the Auxerre journal "L'Yonne" for August 12th, 1857, and in "Le Monte-Cristo" for August 20th of the same year.
     This article now forms one of the pieces in "Propos d'Art et de Cuisine," and as such appears in the standard Calmann-Lévy collection, and in Vol. XXIV. of Le Vasseur's "Alexandre Dumas Illustré."

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