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roman/novel, pub:1841

One of three stories published under this name. Includes Don Martin de Freytas and Pierre le Cruel.

From A Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas père by Frank Wild Reed:
     These three chronicle-stories, all dealing with Spanish characters, were originally issued as one volume under the title of the first named, in 1841; Paris, Dumont, 1 vol., 8vo., in a yellow wrapper.
     "Pierre le Cruel" also appeared in the "Nouveau Musée Français," for 1841, Nos. 47-50, and in "Le Siècle" for 1839.
     "Don Martin de Freytas" was also published in the "Revue des Feuilletons" for 1845, the number for May, after issue in "Le Siècle" in 1839.
     "Praxède" and "Pierre le Cruel" are now both appended to "Jehanne la Pucelle," forming one volume in the standard Calmann-Lévy edition; while "Don Martin de Freytas" is included, with other stories, as an addition to the "Souvenirs d'Antony." (Refer to 1835.)
     All these stories are also to be found in the Calmann-Lévy illustrated edition.
     In Le Vasseur's "Alexandre Dumas Illustré," "Praxède" and "Pierre le Cruel" are in Vol. VIII., and "Don Martin de Freytas" in Vol. XVI.

         References :—
     Quérard: "Supercheries Littéraires Dévoilées," Vol. I., Column 1101.
     Parran: "Bibliographie d'Alex. Dumas," pp. 45-46.

         English Translations :—
     "Praxes" and "Pedro the Cruel" are both to be found with "Gabriel Lambert" ; London, Methuen, 1904, sewed.
     "Don Martin de Freytas" was included in "The Illustrated Literature of All Nations"; London, Clarke and Co., 1853. This piece and one other alone have plates distinct from the letterpress, and these plates bear the impress of "Johnson's Pictorial Literature," which would seem to indicate an earlier issue.
     "Don Martin de Freytas" is also found in the "Reminiscences of Antony" ; London, Methuen, 1905, sewed.
     As "King Pedro of Castile" the "Manchester Evening Chronicle" published a somewhat abridged translation, of "Pierre le Cruel," as No. 16 of the "World's Best Short Stories," April 4th, 1930.

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